What began as a frantic cry for help to save a litter of orphaned puppies turned into the adventures contained in this blog. Interested in fostering puppies for a local shelter? Read on for regular updates from the trenches. Had a rough day and need a laugh? Scroll on for images of the most adorable puppies ever! Smiles guarenteed!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Results Please...

So when the blog began I posed the poll question, "Since they were found with no mommy and looked much like rats when we got them, we don't know what breed of dog they are.... any guesses?"

The options were:
Boxer, Pug, Shar Pei, Brown Dog, Mastiff and Poodle.

We only had a few clues like, their smooshy-wooshy faces and their rate of growth. Googling images of different puppies helped to narrow the options down, but we were always fairly certain that they're a Mastiff/something mix.


Bailey kept us guessing because he hasn't grown as fast (in size) but a quick lift of his solid frame will confirm that he is right in step in the weight department. His gorgeous markings always betrayed that a Boxer was probably somewhere along his family tree.

Kearney has always been the most Mastiff-like. Super chill personality, steady as The Rock of Gibraltar and skin folds that just keep growing and growing and growing...


And then there's Seamus.... sweet crazy Seamus. He's always been handsome, but he's so conservative looking that he's not been much help in determining his ancestry. Our only indication is that he sprouts a new feature each week. It's like he has radioactive growth serum spilled on him at birth so that only one feature (legs, ears, skin) grows at a time... tiny to huge in a matter of days, then on to the next.

The votes are in!

Boxer 8 (32%)
Pug 1 (4%)
Shar Pei 4 (16%)
Brown Dog 2 (8%)
Mastiff 10 (40%)
Poodle 0 (0%)

Really? No one voted Poodle? Not even for a joke?

B and I are pretty sure that they are some sort of Mastiff /Boxer mix, which was sort of confirmed when we saw their four other siblings, except little Beartesta. She might be the mailman's child. Not sure about that one.

Now I have to concoct another poll. Check in tomorrow for another mind blowing puzzler!

'a shadow of things to come'

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